Eating from the Garden Again and the Little Activist

In the afternoon I picked a huge salad for a party we’re going to this evening. All of this is from our garden: Lettuce, mache, minutina, sorrel, claytonia (with flowers), radicetta, kale, chard, lamb’s quarters Amie will eat only greens from our garden. Yesterday after school she got to go with my friend M and …

Growing Food All Over Town

This Summer I’ll be growing food all over town. The black dots indicate where. The lower one is at the Ecological Food Garden at the popular Hannah Williams Playground, which we established last Summer. In the middle, the left dot is at my house, the one on the right is my daughter’s school’s garden, which …

A Pattern Language for Building for Life: Positive Outdoor Spaces

I got Christopher Alexander(’s A Pattern Language from the library a few days back and am just blown away by it. This man had such humble, democratic insights into the task of the architect and a real feel for natural, beautiful,  human and humane living spaces. His book first proposes patterns for building cities, towns, neighborhoods. About …

A Flower Garden for Bees and People

Our back garden, house and veg garden are on a little hill. The slope (in red) is quite steep, and we terraced the part where the soil had been disturbed and was eroding. We put beds on either side (only the two lowest ones shown in brown) and a path of grass in the middle. …