Time for making gifts Soulemama has a wonderful post about the gifts her two older boys made for their baby sister, Adelaide (2). Calvin made a tote-bag, first sewing it by hand, then turning to the machine – he’s a wizz at the machine! – and Ezra made a song, which he played on his brand new fiddle …
Monthly Archives: September 2007
“Dimming the Sun”
Complacency I probably shouldn’t have watched “Dimming the Sun” on NOVA/PBS yesterday. Did you see it?  I stumbled upon the last half hour of the program by accident and by the time it was over, all the old feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and inadequacy made their comeback. And of course, whenever they do that, they are worse …
The Letter Box
Letters A couple of months ago, Amie started showing interest in letters. It was rather unavoidable, as we have wooden alphabet puzzles and alphabet fridge magnets. And she sees us reading, of course, and writing on paper (Mama) and on the computer (Baba and Mama). She now also pretends to read her books,  some of which she knows …
2 Year-Old Paintings
As you can see, Amie has been painting – you can also see her in action in my previous post.  And as promised, here is some of her artwork (my favorites): I apologize for the terrible photographs. I’ve been waiting for a clear day to take pictures of them without a flash (they’re on large format, so …
2-Year-Old Painting
This is a picture of my little girl, who just turned two. She loves to paint now. To draw, not so much anymore. Even coloring has taken backstage. See the concentration on her face? Painting is “serious” work. I will post some of her paintings soon. They are piling up (and we’re talking large sheets …
I’m a Farmer Now
I got weed juice seemingly permanently rubbed into my fingers, dirt under my fingernails, my first case of “hoe-neck,” scratches all over my arm from the squash plants, a little back ache, a mild sunburn… When I proudly mentioned this litany to my friend, she said: – “Honey! You’re a gardener now.” I raised my hand to …
“Last” One Local Summer
          It’s the end of One Local Summer, the 10-week Eat local challenge put out there by Liz at Pocket Farm and answered by many. I am thinking of taking the September 2007 Eat Local Challenge too. I hould hurry: it’s September already! Last meal Our last OLS meal was spaghetti bolognese, with only the organic, …