Let It Seed – I mean, Snow!


Finally we got some snow: about an inch, I should say. Amie ran out to play before school. For once it wasn’t difficult to get her into her clothes! Sadly the snow was too hard for snowmen, snow angels, and snowballs, but she had a lot of fun just scraping it off our car and pelting her snow-shoveling Mama with it! It is going to rain later on in the day, so I let her play and be just a little bit late for school. We packed away a snowball in the freezer.


Inside the house, I finally began selecting seeds. I was very intimidated by the process. I’ve been intimidated by this garden all along! I can never do something simply, but want to know and plan everything first, and then get daunted  by the complexity of the scheme. First I fretted about  the location and layout and how much and where to plant and how to prepare our crummy soil. Then I got flustered with how to start the seeds, and when, and should I buy peat pots or plugs or make my own? Then – oh no – where to buy seeds, and which?!

Then I read on Sharon’s blog that some seeds are already sold out and that only augmented my paralysis. But yesterday I saw that both risa of Stony Run Farm and Kathy of Skippy’s Vegetable Garden have ordered their seeds. That got me going: apparently I needed a positive message. A “you can do it too – let’s get started” message.

So I chose one catalog: Fedco’s, which is suited to my climate and has so much useful information. I spent the entire evening with the downloaded version, jotting down what appeals to me. Most of my chosen seeds are organic, from small growers, and not patented. I’ll publish the list as soon as I’ve made my order!

In the meantime: my neighbor’s snowy pine (?), from our living room window. I love that majestic tree!


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