More Seed Purchases


The flower garden (to be). Yes, all the way down there.

I ordered more seeds, for those plants that were on back order in my previous order, and lots of everlasting and perennial flowers, many of them beneficials.

2068RO-Atomic Red Carrot OG (A=1g) 1 x $1.80= $1.80
2512LY-Olympia Spinach (A=1/4oz) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
3228MZ-Early Mizuna (A=1/16oz) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
3624VT-Ventura Celery ECO (A=0.1g) 1 x $2.20= $2.20
4517RO-Caribe Cilantro OG (A=1g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
4592LV-Lovage (A=0.5g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
4592LV-Lovage (A=0.5g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
4644SO-Stinging Nettle OG (A=0.2g) 1 x $1.20= $1.20
4687GT-German Thyme (A=0.2g) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
4699WY-White Yarrow (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
5215CP-Crystal Palace Blue Lobelia (A=0.2g) 1 x $1.20= $1.20
5234QS-Queen Sophia French Dwarf Double Marigold (A=0.7g) 1 x $2.00= $2.00
5705PL-The Pearl Achillea (A=0.05g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
5799PE-Pearly Everlasting (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.40= $1.40
6008CQ-Cerise Queen Achillea (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.20= $1.20
6013RS-September Ruby New England Aster (A=0.03g) 1 x $1.40= $1.40
6028BC-Blue Clips Bellflower (A=0.05g) 1 x $1.40= $1.40
6068ES-Early Sunrise Coreopsis (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.40= $1.40
6204MC-Maltese Cross (A=0.4g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
6272SD-Alaska Strain Shasta Daisy (A=0.5g) 1 x $0.90= $0.90
6333BM-Beneficials Mix (B=7g) 1 x $7.50= $7.50

I need to source more flowers and beneficials to ensure there is something in bloom from early Spring to late Fall. A beneficial that I would like to grow in my flower garden paths is either Dutch white clover or New Zealand white clover. Buying them online, in bulk, doesn’t make sense, shipping-cost-wise. I’d like to find them more locally.

I’ll order the strawberries, (lowbush) blueberries, hardy kiwi, elderberry bushes and hazelnut shrubs as soon as I’m assured that we’ll have spot ready for them when they arrive (in Early April).

I also need to investigate and source plants that will grow in very wet spots and in and around the pond. Any ideas?


Oh, and “for a laugh,” you could read this, from The Onion. How true! A friend of mine said there must be so many Massachusetts-ers out there kicking themselves for not voting last week. I said I doubt it, for the very same reasons.

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