That’s the sound in the house again. Cheep cheep.
Today I surprised Amie when she came out of school. The feed store called, they have the chicks we want! We went to pick them up: two Ameraucanas, the cutest things, day two of their lives. Technically they’re not ours, but belong to Amie’s friend and her sister, who so want chickens but really can’t have them on their property. Ameraucanas lay light blue/green or white eggs, so they’ll be easily distinguished from the brown ones we have – and we have enough of. This is a nice way of having those kids “have” chickens too (they get to visit whenever they want, get the eggs, and get to do some chores!) and rejuvenating the flock without adding to the glut of eggs.
We are getting good at re-using those old Solarize lawn signs. I still have a couple hundred and will no doubt find uses for all of them!
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