It’s cold now, below freezing all day long, but next week we’re looking at the Polar Vortex again, or so they say. So I got cracking on finishing up the wrapping of the hives. I choose to go with just the black tar paper – foregoing the pink insulation material. Here they are:
Sam, in the Home Yard. One deep, two mediums, still needs insulation on top.Tatjana, in the Common Yard. One deep, two mediums, and a Mann Lake inner cover with insulation on top.Beatrice (right) and Katharina, in the Common Yard. Both are one deep, two mediums, one quilt box on top – no sugar candy yet, but the Beatrice cluster, which is massive, is already in the top box, so they’ll probably need it soon.
Beatrice bees keeping an eye on the crazy lady with her black paper and noisy staple gun.