(Our snowcat)
“I want the nursery rhyme virgin!”
“The nursery rhyme adventure.”
“… Can you tell me again?”
“The nursery rhyme version!”
You see, in her Nursery Rhymes, they sing Zed, not Zee. That version.
Anyone know about good gloves for tiny hands? We’ve tried several and they never fit and always come off.
About mittens: I made my own with polar fleece, and made them long enough to go up to the elbows. I put on the mittens first, then the jacket.
My 3-year-old might need something even better, though. I’m thinking of some kind that go all the way across her back so that she can’t possibly pull them off.
Of course, that might make her too mad.
LOVE that snow cat=)
Thats funny. One of our daughters friends calls popcorn cocporn … causes raised eyebrows arriving in the cinema foyet when she shouts out she’d like some!
When Amie was about 14 months old, she loved a tiny book about Beluga whales. One day, to keep her occupied at a packed restaurant, I gave her the book to read. Thrilled, she yelled:
“Boogah whale! Boogah whale!”
Not as embarrassing as the popcorn one…