I am thinking of participating in Barb-Harmony Art Mom’s weekly “Outdoor Hour” challenges, which follows Anna Botsford Comstock’s book Handbook of Nature Study. Gotta get hold of the book first, though. I’m waiting to get it through the inter-library loan.
This, by the way, is why they call him the Red-Bellied Woodpecker (click on image to see larger):
Tomorrow at the library I’m picking up A Seed is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long, as well as Sharon’s Depletion and Abundance. That’ll make for a good mix.
At the library book and cake sale last weekend I picked up some great books, among them some books by Wendell Berry, Rachel Carson’s The Sense of Wonder (old edition) and some great gardening books for $1 a piece!
Too many books to read! But I read one here and another one there, and the ten other ones in the middle, and if all goes well they all mix together wonderfully in my mind, like good watercolors. In the end I can’t quote from any or even remember which message or interesting bit of information came from whom, but it’s cool. I’m done with “learning as information”. I’m into lived learning now.
you can actually download handbook of nature study free here:
Thanks Lori
I’ve tried several times to download it but each of those times it has frozen my computer, once even bringing up the dreaded “blue screen”… I’ll persevere though: makes sense to download it.
Ah! I just tried again and it sems to be sloooowly working. must be DH hogging the network!