Amie has taken the next step in the development of drawing humans: clothes.
She had just come home with the cutest class photos and we were discussing that we should cut some out to send to the grandparents and godmothers. She didn’t want to.
– I want to keep all of them. (*)
– But they’re all the same (I returned, admittedly quite nonsensically).
I explained how much they would like a photo of her, to frame and put on their mantelpiece… Amie saw we were at an impasse. She is very proud of her compromisingĂ‚Â skills (*), so she said:
– Okay, I have a solution. I’ll draw them a picture of myself and we’ll send them that.
Well, I’m never one to say no to a drawing.
She sat down and was about to draw the arm when she paused and drew… a sleeve.
– See, she’s got sleeves, right? Like me, I’ve got sleeves too. And her arm is in it and comes out of it.
Then followed trouser legs and shoes and “humongous hair that hangs in her face”. Which is also quite realistic:
(*) I’ll write soon about sharing and compromising with Amie. It’s taking on interesting aspects, to say the least…
wonderful! :^)