These are today’s pickings: green beans (mostly Provider), some mint and thyme, snipped onions tops and some more Swiss Chard. In a few weeks I’ll be laughing at the amounts in this picture (I hope)…
Amie was picking too, buckwheat flowers in our patch up front. Some of the buckwheat has gone to seed, so I slashed it down and it is now decomposing on the spot. Once it’s ready I’ll till it in and sow more buckwheat, which I’ll take down before it goes to seed again. Then I’ll replace with winter rye or some such winter cover crop. The idea is to get those beds ready for herbs and berry bushes next Spring.
Tomatoes are finally fattening and laundry is drying on the line. All the radishes were eaten by some little worms, but then none of us like radishes (I planted them as a companion crop). It’s fun hunting for beans, and I like how fat the fava’s are getting (not ready yet). I sowed more beans, peas, broccoli, beets, radishes, carrots, and several kinds of lettuce, sorrel, purslane and mizuna.
We’re ordering our wood stove soon. It will be a Lopi Revere, an insert with a cooktop. They’re having a promotion till the end of the month (15% off and the blower is free), so we’re jumping on it! There’s certainly enough wood for three average winters – I know because I stacked it mostly myself!
And yes, you saw correctly: Amie had her first haircut. No more wild child, or rather, no more wild child hairdo…
Her haircut looks so cute, and that picture makes a greater header for the blog. :)
Thanks Sherry. I always forget the header: it’s background, like the blue strips along the edges. But once in a while there’s a picture that just asks to be put up there, like this one. Then I only have to remember how to change the header in the program :)
Sounds like your garden is growing great! We are having some fresh veggies just about every day for dinner.
I love the look of your soon to be woodstove…very pretty and functional too.
Barb-Harmony Art mom