I organized the shed – it gets to be a dump, over winter – and in a moment of defiance put the snow shovels away. Do you think I jinxed it?
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Oh, even if you did jinx it, your optimism creates a quality of energy that will carry you through another storm. At this point they are fleeting and we should face them with good humor anyhow!
Today I walked on the earth and heard running water under all the ice and snow. Music. Not too long ago I was rejoicing at the sound of snow falling from trees. It all moves so fast.
Bah ha ha ha!!! I love it!! LOL!!
Oh My Word! I choked, that is so funny! I can’t believe we never ended up with one of those in the front yard. . . . Too Funny
Oh, even if you did jinx it, your optimism creates a quality of energy that will carry you through another storm. At this point they are fleeting and we should face them with good humor anyhow!
Today I walked on the earth and heard running water under all the ice and snow. Music. Not too long ago I was rejoicing at the sound of snow falling from trees. It all moves so fast.
Bah ha ha ha!!! I love it!! LOL!!
Oh My Word! I choked, that is so funny! I can’t believe we never ended up with one of those in the front yard. . . . Too Funny