I went ahead and ordered the following from Nourse Farms, here in MA (I’m so happy to get them locally):
- 4x Blanca white currant
- 4x Rovada red currant
- 4x Invictus gooseberry
- 4x Hinnonmaki gooseberry
- 25 Purple passion asparagus plants
- 2x Samdal elderberry
- 25x Honeyoye strawberries
All of these will go into places that are either settled (beds) or will need only a little work to be prepared (backyard fence). I held off from ordering bushes that would have to go up front, because I don’t know if we’ll get that area ready by the time they ship. I’m struggling a bit – in a (still) fun way – with the design, but I’ll have to get it, and my orders, down soon.
The skies are clearing after two more days of rain. It’s going to be dry and rather warm (high 50s) until Thursday night, and on Friday we’re expecting snow, followed by a hard freeze (15F!) that night and the night after (27F). After that, on Sunday, daytime temps of 53F again. What a roller coaster! Should I wait to put in the fava beans and spinach and chard seedlings (these would be under Agribon and I could add plastic)? I’d hate for the spinach to bolt again.
Sowed inside (now we’re a full capacity)
- Jewel-toned sweet bell pepper x 8
- New Ace Pepper x 6
- Purple Beauty Pepper x 6
- Habanero 6 x
- Diamond Eggplant x 6
- Safir cutting celery
- Redventure celery
- Ventura celery (resowed celeries, a bit late, to make up for mouse predation)
In flats outside in coldframe:
- Blue flax
- White Yarrow