solar drying celery leaves before they go into the dehydrator (stalks went into mirepoix)
Well, we had a gorgeous weekend. DH and my parents put the roof up onto our toolshed. It only needs a tarp now as an enclosure and we’ll fix it up nicely with a floor and siding come Spring. DH and my Mom also pulled all the weeds in the lower front garden.
I was missing in action because of this darned cold/laryngitis. I was cursing, because I had big plans: transplant the Winter seedlings, cover them with row cover, hang doors on hoop house, slash down the goldenrod that never flowered, harvest and dehydrate, etc. With the weeds down in the front I can also rototill that place, layer on all our left over compost, and then cover with our cardboard sheet mulch and the straw that’s hopefully coming via a friend.
But no, I’m in bed, coughing and sniffing, napping and reading herbal medicine books (and LOTR). And it’s raining again.
Tiny harvest on 2 October