Pickling summer squash into a relish, using this recipe (which is not an endorsement, just a record so that, if we do like it, I know how I prepared it – {UPDATE: After tasting it, I DO endorse it}), CSA squashes, zucchinis and green peppers colonizing my fridge and homegrown onions. (for the record: I used HOT dry mustard, and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon as my cinnamon sticks went missing). This made 5 pints.
Also, two pints of dilly beans with the best of this morning’s bean harvest, following this recipe (using four small old cloves of garlic and mustard seeds, not dill seeds, but I added some dill weed). {UPDATE: After tasting it, I endorse it}
I’m using the last of the garlic that I planted in Fall 2011Â (4 lbs of local seed garlic) and harvested two summers ago. What a keeper, but obviously at the end of their tether. I didn’t plant garlic last Fall, so now I’m looking at a gap in my garlic supply. Darn. There’s a group of us buying (hopefully) local seed garlic together to plant this Fall, so I won’t let it happen again.
I had already dug into my lunch, with relish,  when I realized that everything on the place (except for the salt, pepper and sugar) is local. Tomatoes,  beans, onions, squash and eggs from the garden, and the applesauce apples from the next town over (windfall from Freecycle).
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