A lot of exciting things are happening to our drawing, both to Amie’s and mine. I will write about it soon, but for now, here’s a typical page out of my journal:
Category Archives: drawings (childrens’)
Amie has always been interested in recognizing letters, and she has been able to write her name for many months, but it was more an exercise in memory than real writing. She can analyze the first and the last sounds in a word, but not the ones in between yet, unless it is an easy …
The Sun is Out
Amie drew another sun. She saw that her grandmother was feeling a bit cold, so she drew another sun on her blackboard and told her: “I drew a sun for you with lots of sun… lines to make you nice and warm again!” Here it is, for all you folks who are missing the sun
Goings On, Much in the Way of Art
We are slowly gearing up to start work on the garden now. If only it stopped raining for long enough so that the ground isn’t so soggy… Oftentimes it looks like the Deluge around here. As DH said: the polar caps will be devoid of ice soon, and all that water needs to go somewhere! …
Amie’s Latest Drawing
This one blows me away. Amie made it sometime yesterday, but we only discovered it this morning – she made it while no one was watching. Such concentration she must have put into it. Look at the proportion of the arms and legs, and the faces…
First Stab at Watercolors
I purchased a cheap set of watercolors at the pharmacy a couple of days back and introduced them to Amie. The medium is of course very different to what she’s used to: those thick, goopy acrylics as well as crayons and color pencils, all of which stays more or less where you put it down. …
Miscellaneous Artwork by Amie and by Mama
Amie now loves two-step artwork. She painted the Deep Blue Sea and was excited about waiting for it to dry before she added Baby Beluga. She sang the song throughout the process. After reading a Caillou book about growing carrots (which is the only edible vegetable in her book), she also wanted to make a …
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Still Drawing Strong
Drawing a little bird: And a ladybug: Lots of legs, with feet: check. Eyes: check. Mouth: check. Ears? Hair? Check and check.
Amie Makes and Signs her Drawing
I promised to put up the video of Amie drawing this picture. I just managed to upload it onto youtube. Have a look-see! http://youtube.com/watch?v=QmXHvN3B4_U It’s a bit long (5 minutes) but the demonstration is followed by a not-to-be-missed review of most of Amie’s “people” drawings. Enjoy!
End of Tadpoles (?) and Signing her Name
Amie loves this quality drawing paper. It is stiff so it won’t buckle under the pressure of her pen, and it’s smooth, sucking up the Tombow’s ink just right. Expensive materials for a two-and-a-half-year-old, true, but it’s worth it. The only thing that bothers me is that the paper is a bit larger than letter-size. …