I’ve uploaded a new video to YouTube, this one of Amie (at now 25 months) connecting the dots her Baba made on paper, unwittingly writing the letters A and MÂ (guess why those). I was quite skeptical when I saw what Baba was up to: I didn’t think she could do it. But she did it …
Category Archives: drawings (childrens’)
2 Year-Old Paintings
As you can see, Amie has been painting – you can also see her in action in my previous post.  And as promised, here is some of her artwork (my favorites): I apologize for the terrible photographs. I’ve been waiting for a clear day to take pictures of them without a flash (they’re on large format, so …
2-Year-Old Painting
This is a picture of my little girl, who just turned two. She loves to paint now. To draw, not so much anymore. Even coloring has taken backstage. See the concentration on her face? Painting is “serious” work. I will post some of her paintings soon. They are piling up (and we’re talking large sheets …
Play Dough Experiments: a Guy and a Dog
Ive added the sixth article in the series “Drawing as it develops“. In it you can read about Amie’s experiments with play dough at 23 and 24 months. The idea was to see how she perceives our bodies and the bodies of animals. I’d say we got some fascinating results, some of which seem to support …
Amie drew “Happy”
“Happy” has been a favorite icon of Amie’s since she was very young. At 16 months, she was always drawing “happy” – the feeling, we presumed. Later “Happy” became a happy face: a simple circle including points for eyes, short lines for eyebrows and nose, and a curve for a smiling mouth. As I reported in …
More in Drawing as it Develops
Amie’s painting of 15 May 2007 I wrote a review of some of the interesting theory about children’s drawings. It briefly considers pre-representational drawing, but the meat of it deals with representation: realistic representation versus symbolism representation the tadpole formula for human figures children’s body-images: do we look like tadpoles to them? the possible sources of …
Next installment in Drawing as It Develops
I just put up the fifth article in the series “Drawing as it Develops”: Amie discovers colors! Go check out her marvellous creations! Articles in the series (so far): First Drawings of a Very Young Child: Amie at 16 months Circles, and Coloring Books (a Mistake?): Amie at 18 months More Circles, Graphs, and post hoc naming: …
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Drawing as it Develops: Two more articles
I’ve added two more articles on the development of Amie’s drawings, the last one (no. 4 in the series) finally relating the “Breakthrough” I posted on earlier. Here are all the installments so far: First Drawings of a Very Young Child: Amie at 16 months Circles, and Coloring Books (a Mistake?): Amie at 18 months …
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New Article Series: Drawing with Very Young Children
Amie, 28 April 2007 Breakthrough! I think Amie has made (or is in the midst of making) a breakthrough in her drawing. I happened to catch it on video, and may try to find a way to share that clip with you (at present that is beyond my technical skills). It has prompted me to start writing a …
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