I published an article called Coperthwaite on Educating Children on Suite101.com. It’s a summary of William Coperthwaite’s views on the ills of traditional schooling and family life, and the roles of nature, community and physical labor in the education of children. Food for thought, definitely, for the home and unschoolers among you! Enjoy.
Category Archives: (home)(un)school
Homesteading for a Happier Child and Community
Dreaming We are dreaming about moving to a new place. For us that means selling this one and buying another one of approximately the same price, which means that, if we want to move, we need to move out- out of Brookline. We’re currently in a 1050 sq.f. basement apartment in a condominium. We adore …
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Suite101 article on Bill Coperthwaite’s *Handmade Life*
I published a review of A Handmade Life, by William Coperthwaite, on Suite101.com.   It took me a long time to write this review, simply because I wanted to do the book justice. And 700 words are not enough to do it justice. There was, for instance, no space to treat Coperthwaite’s fascinating views on education …
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Unhappy at Daycare?
It took Amie over four months to find happiness at daycare. Even then it took an experiment to make her feel more at ease. The babysitter Two weekends ago, Amie’s Baba and I went to a concert. We had gone out only once since Amie was born, at a time long ago before she tumbled into a long …
My child has a life without me too
First weeks at daycare A dear friend, whose daughter was born a month after Amie and is Amie’s only playdate buddy (I’m not exactly the gregarious type), just survived their first week of daycare. The first week (for some, the second and third, too) of daycare is awash with waves of despair, glimmers of hope, heartwrenching …