Saving the Planet

This series discusses ecological worries, especially of parents for the futures of their children. It features articles about what we are doing to make a change for the better, and about what others – you – are doing and can do too.

Currently our life (the life that I, Baba and Amie share) is undergoing an interesting tension between the HERE AND NOW and The Plan.


is the life of a young (30 and almost 2 something), small (3 unit) and single-income (academic) family in Brookline, MA (first-tier suburb of Boston), in a condominium complex (25 units).

In this setting, we find small ways to make big changes for the planet. The main article so far is the HERE AND NOW list: an “organic article” that grows “naturally” along with life and life’s changing circumstances. This can be your list too, read here about how to contribute.

But even making such small changes  isn’t always easy in our community. We have  residents in our condominium who are not even willing to recycle their paper, let alone abide a compost bin in the small back”yard”. So we bump against the limits of this place, love it dearly, but we (I mostly) struggle with our failure to change it and the desire to cut and run. That’s where The Plan comes in:

  • The Plan…

Photograph of small farm on river bend

is to get out of this place and to start a family farm for self-sustenance, to practice organic methods of growing foods and keeping animals (chickens, goats), and to return to nature and a simpler way of living. The idea is that this will make us healthier, happier, and that it will help the planet and future generations. Most importantly, I believe this will be beneficial to our daughter’s present and future in terms of health, education, morals and happiness. She doesn’t see it yet (she’s not even 2 yet) and also her Baba needs (lots of) convinving. So the Plan is a collection of proof that such a life is feasible, better for all of us, and indeed necessary.

There will therefore be articles, to-do-lists, book reviews, etc. reporting on all the information that I gather for making The Plan work. You can witness how The Plan takes shape, but most importantly, you can contribute to it as well.

One day, I hope The Plan will be HERE AND NOW…

  • To the Reader

I think there are many others like us out there, putting together a HERE AND NOW list of their own and fighting to make it work in the place where they live, and/or devising A Plan of their own, even living it! If that’s you, I hope these articles can help, or at least entertain, and that you will once in a while comment. I’d love to see and learn from how you are getting along!

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