Plans for Next Year: Chickens, Bees, Frogs

Next year I want would like:

  1. a second colony, in a homemade top bar hive.
  2. chickens, 3 of them.
  3. the beginning of a dwarf fruit tree orchard.
  4. a guild around the cherry tree.
  5. an earth oven in a straw bale shelter, a strawbale low wall with welcoming arch up front, and  some strawbale benches, shelters and altars all over the property.
  6. a small pond system that takes rain water runoff and – if we can swing it – some gray water, with frogs and other wildlife.
  7. a front garden for Bees and People. I will want to host a lot of events – community gardening, lectures, skillshares, poetry reading (and writing), concerts – in that front garden!
  8. a pottery wheel.

Is that a lot to ask? And is that a silly question to ask because I ask it of myself?


Oh,  but life is good.

When told that a friend had gone into the hospital to give birth, Amie asked: “And was it a baby?”

And this is DH’s desk:

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1 Comment

  1. Excellent goals! I really need to get started on mine. I love that you’re going to make a top bar hive. That’s what I want to try to, whenever we finally get to beekeeping.

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