Homestead TO DO Lists


I can feel I’m back in the thick of things when I feel one of those big TO DO lists coming on. And boy, is there a lot to do! I decided to put these lists in my sidebar and I’ll cross out as I get things done (and for each item crossed out I will no doubt add another). Here they are, for now.

Do because necessary for planting seeds:

  1. plan garden: what to grow when and where
  2. set up seed germination areas and seedling area (buy lights, fixtures)
  3. buy seed growing supplies (flats, peat pots, potting mix)

Do because it’s easy, inside, and almost everything is right here:

  1. finish hay box and experiment
  2. count, clean, store mason jars (buy lids)
  3. collect emergence things and organize space (buy some equipment)
  4. move things from Annex into basement

Do outside when weather gets better:

  1. turn compost heaps
  2. make compost/soil screen
  3. make more compost bins (buy materials)


  1. chickens: town regulations: we can!
  2. soil amendments: which and pricing
  3. garden fence
  4. greenhouse (book from library)
  5. berry bushes, fruit trees
  6. floors and drainage (lean-to, shed, greenhouse) (get free pallets)
  7. deck
  8. terracing for slope
  9. “wetland” area: which plants, boardwalk

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