Child in the Garden

The child is sick now with a cold – it seems to be going around in the schools. And it’s raining – a soft, welcome rain. But yesterday we were outside most of the day planting more seeds:

She wrote the ASTER labels. We sowed Asters, more Calendula, Monarda, and two more kinds of Sunflowers: 20 pots in all.

We’ve been charmed by the balmy, sunny weather these last few weeks, but tonight it will be 35F, give or take a couple of degrees depending on where you are. I gave a friend the tomatoes I had been growing for him, and he planted them out two days ago. I hope they’ll survive the night.

He was surprised to see the size of the other seedlings, the ones I started on schedule. They looked so small to him, compared to the tomato seedlings, which I started three weeks ahead of schedule, and compared to the weather. I had to remind him we were still a week away from May, and that, according to the statistics, there is still a 70% chance of frost. The seasons do seem to be shifting, so I don’t know how relevant those old-order statistics are now, but it is a matter of observation that the weather is also more prone to swinging from extreme to extreme. All the more reason to use caution. Not to be charmed, too much.

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