Hive inspection by the county inspector
That’s one whole frame full of good honey, both sides. I’ll harvest it when the rain holds up.
I apologize for the dearth of posts. Our household has been in such a flux and beset by crises these last few months, it has been hard to sit and write something down. Here is what has happened so far.
– my 13-year-old nephew arrives, we get him from JFK and bring him home. Car breaks on way home.
1 week of farm camp for Amie and my nephew. Have car problem(s) fixed over several visits to mechanic.
– MIL arrives
– chipmunks harvest tomatoes and eggplants
– letter from our Town giving us 2 weeks to fix an unknown leak in the main water pipe
– lice!
– trip to NYC to drop off nephew, come home and have water pipe fixed – but good news: insurance will pay – deductible
– FIL arrives
– leave for 1 week on the Cape. Friends (3) from NYC come to visit for 1st weekend, after which the mom leaves, the dad and 6-year-old and 9-year-old golden retriever stay on
– friend from Belgium comes to visit, sleeps in tent because cottage is so packed. Leaves after 3 days
– bring 7 people home
– find out we need to replace all tires on both cars
– surprise for our birthdays: SIL arrives
– mom from NYC arrives
– big birthday party, 50 people in back yard, main drain gets clogged, basement flooded with reeking water. Friend from NYC devotes the evening to cleaning up the basement!
– NYC friends and dog leave. For hours try to fix clogged pipe ourselves, no use
– lice?
– cave and get plumber: he fixes it in 1/2 hour! Clean basement
– SIL will leave this week, FIL the week after that. A second visit from my Belgian friend expected, plus a visit from another friend from Belgium. Kindergarten starts. MIL will leave mid September. My parents come in October.
We’ve been loving it: family, friends and fun. Amie basically had a two-week-long, uninterrupted play date with her friend from NYC. But it is hectic, so I haven’t been able to do much of what I planned to do – work (harder) in the garden, build a shed, read more about herbalism, blog.
{UPDATE 24 August}
add to the list, for today:
car with MIL, FIL and SIL breaks down in the middle of their shopping trip
While I’m trying to get tow-truck and mechanic arranged for them,
Amie wakes up from an uncharacteristic nap with a 102 F fever
It doesn’t end…
I’m impressed that you have any time to blog at all!