I love it!
Scarf wound ’round, hat down on over ears, zip up coat, grab the harvest basket and run out.
Loot: celery, leeks and pea shoots
Rinse, chop, sweep into the pot, add homegrown chopped onions and carrots, as well as split peas (bulk, dry) that have been soaking overnight, water, pepper and salt and simmer until the house smells divine and the peas are soft. Blend in blender, add more salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with lightly chopped pea shoots – they melt right in. Enjoy with home baked bread.
Daily Bread No. 14 has come and gone and No. 15 will have come and gone soon enough without their pictures being taken. It matters not, because the plan worked. We are now free of store-bought bread!
I love split pea soup! I never occurred to me to try pea shoots. For anything. I’ll have to remember that.
Awesome job!