Last session Amie also took classes with my fabulous pottery teacher, Lisa Dolliver. These are some of the pieces she made:
The unicorn is a piggy bank. At the moment it has a clay blue heart sitting in its slot. Aren’t they lovely?
That, by the way, is a Go board: DH and Amie are learning the game together. Amie has quite the knack for it, and loves it. The read the book and play at least two games every night.
These are my pots.
I was very productive: three small plates, three medium ones, one vase, two soup bowls, one tumbler (pic below), and two large bowls, the largest pieces I’ve ever thrown, but I needed help from Lisa to do it. As you can see if you compare with previous sessions, I’ve found a pattern in the glazing. The idea is to make a dinner set. Also to take the pressure off me when glazing – I don’t like glazing much.
They stack up!