In the afternoon I picked a huge salad for a party we’re going to this evening. All of this is from our garden:
Lettuce, mache, minutina, sorrel, claytonia (with flowers), radicetta, kale, chard, lamb’s quarters
Amie will eat only greens from our garden. Yesterday after school she got to go with my friend M and I on one of our adventures, which always seems to involve loading heavy things onto trucks or car roofs, having fun with straps and bungee cords, followed by somewhat-anxious driving and a slew of cars lining up behind us (at a safe distance). We were dropping off the extra totes at the school gardens, so luckily it was very local.
On the way back a grasshopper jumped into Amie’s shirt and it was high drama. M, whose kids are grown up, was quite shaken, I think, though not as badly as the poor grasshopper! Our Amie is cool, though. She refused to squash it and let me free it. Also, her class is doing a unit on community and when he teacher asked who is important in a community, the answers were “fireman, policeman, teacher, etc.” Â to which Amie added: “Activist!”
Yeah, Amie is cool. Our household agrees :-)