Here’s another TO-DO list, of sorts. Keeps me organized and accountable. Ahum… What I didn’t have this spring and summer and want next summer broccoli (was too late on this one) peas (ditto) green and red peppers (ditto) some hot peppers onions (tried but failed: all rotted in the wet) squash (tried but failed: lots …
Category Archives: garden structures
TO DO (List) Like There’s No Tomorrow
White sheet curtain to block the sun’s heat. Today we’re in the 90s, while yesterday we barely made the 70s. Things we need to do before winter (update TO DO LIST in sidebar): attempt compost tea top dress beds with compost install last rain barrel (for toilet flushing) pull poison ivy all over restart Starbucks …
Trelisses and Potato Bins and Dinner
Last week “big hail” was predicted, so DH and I ran out and covered most of the beds with row cover. We also managed to drape some over the tomatoes in the pots, but by then it was too dark to take a picture. I don’t know what good it would have done, since no …
They’ve Arrived!
So it stopped raining. Of course.
So Tired!
Now I really AM tired! We spent the day digging a long one foot trench, then installed the fence. We’re talking 150 feet of trench/fence in mostly stone and rootbound soil. We still have 1/3 to go. For budget reasons we went with simple chicken wire, three feet high. It doesn’t look too bad – …
To Play in a Wild Garden
Connected At The Roots writes about children in nature, and usually reports on going out into the wild, several kids at once, with magical results. Recently there was an interesting post on kinesthetic adventure at home (but still outside). This inspired me to make our rather wild property more kinesthetically challenging. Amie is always hanging …
Good Fences and all that…
Eek! The joke in my banner has come true. First Rabbit of the Season Two of them brazenly hopped right by the bed with the lettuces – our only crop, so far! They passed by it either because they didn’t notice the food, which I doubt, or because they were spooked when they spotted me …
Marathon Monday Garden Work
Marathon Monday weekend was that for us: a marathon! We had three days of free time, good weather shining down on us, a mound of soil and “compost” (really deteriorated mulch) delivered, and friends with wheelbarrows and stamina come help. We rototilled and amended and terraced the most problematic part of our front yard: the …
Day at the Farms
Friday was a glorious day and a holiday too, so Amie and I went out to visit two farms. First, Codman Community Farm and then Drumlin Farm, both in Lincoln, MA. I went to Codman to check out their compost and also to see if they have duck eggs. They had neither. But we had …
Cold Frame (almost) Installed
Finally an outdoor garden photo! The construction of the cold frame is done and we placed it in front of our house to the south and at the top of a slope. That place gets optimal sunlight during the winter, but not much during the summer, as it will be shaded for most of the …