It’s Snowing and Construction Progress

snowstorm 13 December 2007, Brookline (c) Katrien Vander Straeten

It started snowing here on my way to pick up Amie from her daycare, around one. On the way back she found it so peaceful she fell asleep in the stroller (it’s a ten minute walk). It really is rather magical and eerily calm when those flakes start coming down.

While she naps I stole a moment to put the first layer of paint on the interior structure and the large furniture. Don your hard hat and your smocks, please!

dollhouse construction: primer (c) Katrien Vander Straeten Doll house construction: primer (c) Katrien Vander Straeten

Phase II: First layer of primer

Isn’t that this week’s issue of the New Yorker? Why, yes it is! Honestly, who has time to read the New Yorker anymore?

Then I stole a moment to write you this.

And now I’m going to steal some more moments to finish chapter 8 of my novel.

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  1. hey kaat,

    wow! i love the additions to the badi, now I feel bad I recycled a box i had just like yours from a costso trip..soon I will acquire another and start copying your amazing design, what a WONDERFUL idea that bath tub is.

    my docs were both produced for Mountain Lake PBS in NYS..Sadly, looks like their site is being reconstructed so the links to the films are no good. If you search the films by name on google you may see some other links where they are available for sale:

    1. Unless a Death Occurs: Hazing Examined

    2. Call of the Loon
    An Environmental film on the impact of Mercury pollution on a the Common Loon in the Adirondacks. The loon is found in the NE, NW, Canada and Northern Europe also. It has a beautiful haunting call and any North Easterner worth his salt should have heard of one!

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