Vegetable Gardening Update

I finished Bed 8 (see here for layout beds) and planted: Red Baron onion: 1 row, 79 sets Banana fingerling potatoes: 3 short rows (5 feet), about 20, several eyes on each Nasturtium: 1 square Blue flax: 2 squares Carrots: 4 squares Radishes: 1 square In Bed 3 I sowed: French green lentil: 33 plants …

Independence Days – Week I

Baby spinach microgreens This is my first installment of the Independence Days Challenge. Plant something. We double-dug three raised beds and constructed the bases of four 4×4 potato bins. I chitted the early potatoes, and those and many seeds and seedlings are ready to go in this week (will update when that happens; it’s raining …

Good Fences and all that…

Eek! The joke in my banner has come true. First Rabbit of the Season Two of them brazenly hopped right by the bed with the lettuces – our only crop, so far! They passed by it either because they didn’t notice the food, which I doubt, or because they were spooked when they spotted me …

My Child Will Not Eat Vegetables

Gasp! See that gap? A lettuce was taken from under the shade cloth! Ah, there it is: And here: This last picture, my dear readers, shows a true miracle. For Amie will not eat vegetables. No peas, or corn, no cucumber, no cherry tomatoes, no broccoli. Mashed potato, yes, and rice, but that is it. …

Potting Up and Seeds (Indoors, Outdoors, Ordered)

I made it to Volume Two of Edible Forest Gardens and am enjoying reading about Pattern Languages. I really like the way Jacke and Toensmeier blend philosophy/psychology and practical garden design: patterns that live… I already made some observations on our property that I wouldn’t have hadn’t I read their advice. I feel ready now …

Marathon Monday Garden Work

Marathon Monday weekend was that for us: a marathon! We had three days of free time, good weather shining down on us, a mound of soil and “compost” (really deteriorated mulch) delivered, and friends with wheelbarrows and stamina come help. We rototilled and amended and terraced the most problematic part of our front yard: the …

Riot for Austerity: Month 5

“Rekenen,” Dutch: to count Am I reckoning month 5 already – or only? Sometimes it seems like we’ve been doing this all our lives, other times it’s like we only started yesterday. It shows that we’re not totally “in the habit” yet. I’m 16 (!) days late in reporting. Also, this month is ugly: our …

Goings on in the Cold Frame and Elsewhere in the Garden

Goings on OUTSIDE Another nice day, yesterday. Not as warm as on Friday, but working hard raised our body temperatures plenty. DH finished all ten veg bed frames (in the picture he’s begging Amie to hand over a screw). I heard her ask: “Baba, what are we making?” He: “Beds for the vegetables.” She, incredulous: …