I laid down the first three rows of the brick wall for the earth oven (more on that soon). It didn’t have to be pretty (we’ll cover this with mud in the end), just strong. Though I got in a groove, I decided to wait to open another bag of cement and put down another three layers till this has dried and I can see that it works. {UPDATE} next day: I kicked it and it didn’t budge! Three more rows coming up, today. Then fill it up and add another three rows, and cap it and we’ll have the base.
With two friends, I sauced and canned a little over a bushel of local, organic and free Freecycle apples. The apples were delicious but very small and therefore a pain to peel, but time flew as we chatted. Â We’re getting four bushels of peaches soon and will can those together as well.
I’m happy, overall, with the buckwheat (all those white flowers) in the Community Garden Plot. In places it grew waist high and smothered most of the weeds. It’ll be a lot of biomass to till in when it’s time to sow the winter rye. Finally some good news from that garden!
I admire my birthday present – the Gransfors Burks small splitting axe – every day. I swung it a couple of times, but feel I need some mentoring.
More elderberries (they go into smoothies), tomatoes and pole beans, LOTS of them suddenly. Good, because the bush beans were done too soon this year.
We put the two pullets in with the four hens. There is no mixing as yet, but there was less pecking and fighting today than there was yesterday. In the evening we still had to pick them up and move them into the coop and onto the roost.
i hope you didn’t hurt your foot kicking those sturdy looking bricks.