Holmgren’s place I’m oggling David Holmgren’s Melliodora, or at least what is avaiable of it for free on the net (the whole e-book seems worth it but is still AUS$35). You can check it out yourself here (go to publications, click on the e-book, then scroll down to the free demo). The Melliodora project is a model of what …
Author Archives: kaat
A Revolution
The books I am reading are effecting a revolution in me that I would like to postpone describing for a bit: let me work through it in my journal for a while. Then I hope I will be able to put down in words, for you, what is happening in my thinking and feeling, how …
“Amie is all finished”. And a picture (not by me)
This morning, after a rare full night’s sleep (and blissfully no hypnopompic sightings for me!), we cuddled for 15 minutes before getting well and truly up. Amie was enacting “Baby Amie”: she cuddles and coos and you have to hold and shush her like a baby. Then I asked her: “Do you remember what Baby Amie used …
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Wait a Moment
There is something about this photograph… The soft pools of light, the ghost of herself, the movement of her arm. The door standing open, fixed and hard. Her downcast gaze, concentration. Just another split second in our front hallway (/front hallaway/): captured, though not quite… She was fitting grown-up shoes. Not yet, sweetie, not yet…
Article: Review of the Simply in Season Cookbook
Review of the Simply in Season Cookbook I got to know about the Simply in Season Cookbook (Mennonite Herald Press) via a review for Groovy Green by Liz Deane (of Pocket Farm fame). Her review focuses on the ecological and geopolitical background of food and food production. Mine focuses on the cookbook aspect of …
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Article: What and Who is Self-Sufficient?
This blog has been taking on a rather schizophrenic aspect: here I am, writing blissfully about my daughter’s drawings, about her funny and embarassing first attempts at public speaking, and so forth, while lamenting the destruction of her future and my sometimes rational/sometimes panicked efforts, small and drastic, to make and plan for a better one. …
Continue reading “Article: What and Who is Self-Sufficient?”
Young Children and Television
(Thanks to a lead from Aaron at Powering Down) 90% of 2-year-olds watch 1.5 hours of television daily Frederick Zimmerman and colleagues Christakis and Meltzoff did a telephone survey of 1009 parents (in Minnesota and Washington) of children aged 2 to 24 months. And they found some disturbing facts: By 3 months of age, about 40% …
Unhappy at Daycare?
It took Amie over four months to find happiness at daycare. Even then it took an experiment to make her feel more at ease. The babysitter Two weekends ago, Amie’s Baba and I went to a concert. We had gone out only once since Amie was born, at a time long ago before she tumbled into a long …
Ecological Diapers Review
   Whether you’re a new parent or have just been blessed with a second/third/fourth… baby, diapers are probably of major concern to you. I’ve written a review article of the “ecological” diaper brands that we have, personally, used: Seventh Generation Whole Foods 365 Everyday Value gDiapers I run through many considerations, such as baby’s comfort, cost, ease …
Her Growing Independence, and Fear
Mama and Amie picking dandelions Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! I was hugged and kissed a little more vigorously than usual this morning by Amie and Baba. It’s my second mother’s day, but the first time Amie could verbally congratulate me, and she did very well! It’s quite a mouthful. There was also a …