Hens Don’t Like Snow, but They Love Hen-Sitters

Yesterday we had our first real snowfall of the season. Just an inch, if that. In the morning I opened the coop hatch and, unlike on other days, the chickens didn’t rush out, scolding, hurrying down the plank to their food under the coop. They poked their heads out, looked around, questioned, hesitated. Two ventured …

What Makes an Ordinary Day Extraordinary?

A couple of days ago as I was walking to the elementary school to pick up Amie I was suddenly struck by what a fine day it was. Then I stopped in my tracks – we walk to and from school through “the woods”, that’s the neighbors’  wooded backyards, so they were, literally, tracks – and …

The Ladies’ Garden

TO DO before Winter in the so-called “Ladies’ Garden”.  clear weeds, brambles put in path from house to woodpile (to the right , not in picture) and stake make bed for strawberries transplant strawberries from front bed to here reinforce coop roof for snow load finishing touches to coop buck, split and stack more wood …