We’re moving ourselves and the rest of our stuff this weekend. Then we need to unpack, figure out which boiler and water heater to buy and who should install it. Then insulation. Then select the wood stove (any suggestions? the choice on the market is overwhelming, but we don’t want to go pellets). And that’s …
Category Archives: food (growing, cooking, preserving)
Question to my Readers: Cover Crop
We’re back from a week in Toronto, mostly recuperating at my Aunt and Uncle’s place. Soon, I promise, there will be news about Amie’s now incessant “why?” question, her need for getting naked to go “swimming” at the most inopurtune moments, potty-training (almost complete), and more puzzling (with 24 pieces) and drawing (clothes are now …
Kitchen Duties
Filling the sugar pot (great small motor control exercise!): Stretching the pizza dough with Baba: Eat:
At the Farm, and Eating Animals
– I’m drinking Luella’s milk [*], I’m eating Little Red Hen’s bread [**]… And when I eat chicken, do I eat Little Red Hen? We’ve been talking about the food chain a lot lately, ever since Amie watched the movie Madagascar, which is a wonderful spoof on the food chain, with a tongue-in-cheek ending (“The …
6 am and 6 pm
The scones that Amie and Mama made this morning at 6 am. In the background some of the silver dinnerware Amie received as gifts from her family in India. While she was patting down the batter, she said “I’m a big girl. I’m doing a good job. I’m a good Mama”. I immediately forgave the …
I’m a Farmer Now
I got weed juice seemingly permanently rubbed into my fingers, dirt under my fingernails, my first case of “hoe-neck,” scratches all over my arm from the squash plants, a little back ache, a mild sunburn… When I proudly mentioned this litany to my friend, she said: – “Honey! You’re a gardener now.” I raised my hand to …
“Last” One Local Summer
          It’s the end of One Local Summer, the 10-week Eat local challenge put out there by Liz at Pocket Farm and answered by many. I am thinking of taking the September 2007 Eat Local Challenge too. I hould hurry: it’s September already! Last meal Our last OLS meal was spaghetti bolognese, with only the organic, …
One Local Summer – Week 4
Oh Potato! There were potatoes at the Farmer’s Market this week, at just one of the dozen Farm stands but I got to them before they sold out. M-mm! So we had, all grilled (on charcoal grill) by DH: potatoes from Middle Earth Farm from Amesbury, Mass (50 miles as the truck drives) summer squash and …
Recipe: Eggs, Red Chard, Squash, Mushrooms
Yesterday it was just Amie and I – DH was out, playing a softball game. So dinner had to be cooked fast and easy. What I came up with was tasty and creamy, healthy and local, and ready in 15 minutes. So I thought you might want me to share the recipe. You need 1 small onion, …
Continue reading “Recipe: Eggs, Red Chard, Squash, Mushrooms”
Silk Road Cooking in Massachusetts
 I just published a review of Najmieh Batmanglij’s wonderful cookbook, Silk Road Cooking. A Vegetarian Journey on Suite101.com. You can read it here. It did occur to me that the Silk Road and many of the other ancient trade routes that Batmanglij travels in this book are about as non-local as you can get! How …