Ah, it’s 2 degrees out, but bright and sunny and in between running out to swap out the chickens’ frozen water I am dreaming of the garden. My goal for 2013 is to do more work on the homestead, because I realized what an opportunity we have here, to build a place that is a …
Category Archives: garden structures
Winter Coop Prep and Eggs
We’ve not had a frost yet, but we will, this evening, and a hard one too: 28 F.  I have my thermometer out in the coop so we’ll know cold it will really get. I’ve harvested all there is to harvest, brought in all my potted plants, drained my rain barrels.  But, being a brand new …
The Ladies’ Garden
TO DO before Winter in the so-called “Ladies’ Garden”. Â clear weeds, brambles put in path from house to woodpile (to the right , not in picture) and stake make bed for strawberries transplant strawberries from front bed to here reinforce coop roof for snow load finishing touches to coop buck, split and stack more wood …
One Element at a Time
Two elements in this image, actually. One of which we set in motion a couple of months ago, and one that I just strung. We had a clothesline until two winters ago, but the trees it was under leafed out so much it stopped being a very good spot: too much shade, too much stuff …
Fun Designing
This for the bees. I’m going to make my own hive bodies (boxes, bottom board, inner and outer covers). I’ll buy the frames and foundation. This for the water catchment, on Craiglist, for $100. Just need to borrow someone’s truck to pick up two of them. But the majority of fun is being had with …
The farmer in his field A while ago we finally took the step and enrolled in a year-long CSA, starting this Spring, at Siena Farms. We visited the farm in Fall and fell in love with the fields and the farmers. I loved especially the fact that the owner, Farmer Chris, puts effort and money …
Let the Dreaming Begin!
Nor’easter > Without Electricity Again
The Nor’easter of October 2011 hit our town pretty badly. Actually, it was just a small snowstorm, not too heavy, not long-lasting. But the trees were not ready for it. It was only the fourth time that there was snow before Halloween in NYC since the civil war! Add to that that the trees now “think” …
A Barn / Hoop House Raising, Part 2
Saturday started with a sprinkle of rain and thunder, then cleared up for a big turnout for our planned hoop house raising. Ten people came, friends, acquaintances and strangers (i.e., new friends) alike. First up was dismantling the structure and moving it from the summer to the winter position. Then everyone got to witness how …
A Barn Raising!
The garden is about 90% planted. peas and poles for the pole beans. compost in background Today I sowed all the dry beans, green beans and pole beans – first year I’m growing these – and the squashes, zukes and cukes. Also watermelon, carrots and basil, and calendula, anise and chamomile (German), all from seed. …