I joined the a team of parent and teacher volunteers who are working to make the school system in our town greener. We’re working on getting the recycling going. Especially lunch time is a problem, a big black hole that apparently eats only trash. ~ I’m still baking, only not as much – a bread …
Category Archives: garden structures
Winter Hot Box with Horse Manure
(Wow, three entries in one day!) I have lights specially fitted to the bed up front, so it can easily be converted to a cold frame. I’ve successfully grown lettuce in it in April. Now I was thinking of growing something there from November to March, the coldest months. The hotbed, finally! ~ A, the …
Winter Beds and Goldenrod
All the seedlings were transplanted into the Winter beds – the beds that will be under the hoop house once we move it from its Summer position, after the tomatoes, peppers and basil are done. These are all under one layer of row cover now (Agribon, from Johnnie’s). A third bed is loaded with kale …
Hoop House Fall Garden / Overwintering Peppers and Herbs
My Fall Garden? I guess most of it looks like my Summer Garden, only inside the hoop house (where it was a balmy 85 F today, contrasting with the 56 F outside). eggplants in hoop house Yesterday I moved most of the (sweet and hot) pepper plants from the outside beds into pots and then …
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Tool Shed (in Progress) and Hoop House Doors
Taking advantage of a beautiful Sunday morning some weeks ago, DH and I started building our garden tool shed. We both love this project because (1) it will collect my tools right next to my garden and (2) it makes room for a functional workshop for DH in our old and more “serious” shed – …
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Dandelion Harvest, Defensive Bees and Garden Blankets
I was bummed to find that there are not a lot of dandelions on our property. One of the first exercises in one of my herbal medicine books is a dandelion tincture. I had to skip it because I couldn’t find any at hand. Today I went to Amie’s kindergarten school to pull the weeds …
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Missed Window of Opportunity
solar drying celery leaves before they go into the dehydrator (stalks went into mirepoix) Well, we had a gorgeous weekend. DH and my parents put the roof up onto our toolshed. It only needs a tarp now as an enclosure and we’ll fix it up nicely with a floor and siding come Spring. DH and …
Note to Husband: *This* is What I Was Saving Them For
Hoop house biomass The one surviving cabbage: enough for Sauerkraut? Today’s harvest Next month’s harvest
Nasty Critters
Fall Coming On
It may still, officially, be Summer, but the day I put on my woolen socks is, to me, the first day of Fall. That was yesterday. Last night the temperature dropped to 47 F and my mind races to what we need to get done before the frosts come. Give our hoop house a “spine” …