Resilience Gardening: Water and Animals

The last couple of days I’ve been in the garden. Mostly I’ve been cleaning up. I do most of my Fall cleanup in Spring, so that the fallen leaves can replenish and blanket the soil during Winter.  Soon I’ll put the leaf shredder to the humongous leaf piles.  That shredded stuff is great for the compost bins. …


The farmer in his field A while ago we finally took the step and enrolled in a year-long CSA, starting this Spring, at Siena Farms. We visited the farm in Fall and fell in love with the fields and the farmers. I loved especially the fact that the owner, Farmer Chris, puts effort and money …

Seeds Arrived and Garden Plans

Most of my seedy order arrived last week. After a lot of dawdling, I finally tidied up the basement so I can start growing. Two years ago, when I was really on top of the garden, I had already started. I am also thinking about getting a garden plot at our Community Gardens. I’ll put something less …

Seed Order for 2012 and Tamarind Seed Give-Away

Seed collection before order Yesterday Amie and I spent hours looking through the seed catalogs and the seeds I have left over. In the end I opted to go just with Fedco. In my defense, I ordered very few seeds last year! 249 – Maxibel Bush Haricots Verts OG ( C=8oz) 298 – Windsor Fava Bean …

Garden Harvests, and Deer

Right there, behind the sunchokes What with the flurry of activity/activism around here, the garden has been neglected somewhat. On top of that, the deer decided to cross from backyard where they usually hang out (an extensive wildlife corridor runs behind our property) to the front. In the front yard they ate the weeds and …

Brown Spot and Black Pit

Well, I had sworn not to grow potatoes again after the Blight Year of 2009 – my first year gardening. It wasn’t just blight that ruined that year’s potatoes (the tomatoes didn’t suffer too much). I also tried the potato tower method and it was Spudtacularly Disappointing. But I love potatoes. I love them so, …