We were on the phone with my parents-in-law and I or DH made a passing reference to watching movies on a big screen tv when at our friends’ place in New York. Amie had been eating her O’s peacefully (more or less), but when she heard that, she piped up: “We’re gonna need a big …
Category Archives: whimsy
Hair by Baba
Yeah. You are seeing that right. See, there was no hairband close by. Or close enough by.
New Banner
We’re no longer wearing summer hats and baggy pajamas when we go outside now, so I am putting away the Fall banner of Amie throwing the stone into Walden Pond. The new banner honors Amie’s Little Bird, and Winter. Keep warm, everyone.
Aaaargh Children’s Music!
Amie’s auntie, my sister-in-law, whom Amie calls Toot-Toot-Pishi (“Pishi” is the Bengali word for aunt-on-the-paternal-side), so very generously gave us a wonderful cd of English nursery rhymes as sung by Preeti Sagar, an Indian singer (see insert on cd cover above). Well! Thanks a bunch! The problem is not that Preeti, who is otherwise sweet-voiced, pronounces “heatlhy, wealthy” …
Settling Back In with Blogland News
Cooking really helped me settle back in domestically. I made a hearty potato-leek soup and a Flemish soup/stew called “Gentse Waterzooi”, which means “watery mess from Ghent”. Both are essentially winter and comfort foods (served hot, with heavy cream and lots of potatoes), so that also took care of our climatic shock (Singapore 85 F, …
Home Again and heavily Jetlagged
We returned on Friday evening from Singapore (that’s a non-stop 18-hour flight to Newark, a 3-hour layover, a 36-minute flight to Boston and a 30-minute cabride to Brookline… it tires me out all over again, writing this!). Singapore, by the way, is 13 hours ahead of Boston. The last two nights Amie has been waking …
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Amie had a blast as a spider yelling “trick or treat” and “boo!”. She insisted that the day was called “Halloween Party”, not plain “Halloween”. I managed to keep her exposure to candy to a minimum, and she still thinks it means just chocolate. Someone offered her a lollipop and she looked at it with …
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween! Depending on whether we make it to the party at Amie’s daycare tonight, there will be more pictures tomorrow. In the meantime, a bonus:
Finally Fall
From this: To this: In just a week! I’ve already said it a couple of times: it’s Fall. Then I had to swallow my words when the next day it was steaming hot. Here, in Boston, near the end of October! But now I think I can with (weatherish) certainty say that it is, this time, now, …
Sweet Lullably
We love that creepy lullaby, “Didn’t Leave Nobody But The Baby“. It’s featured on the O Brother Where Art Thou cd, where it’s sung by Alison Krauss, but I like Emmylou Harris’ rendition more. It’s easy to sing softly and quite monotonous and thus (one hopes) sleep-inducing. Amie requests for it to be sung every naptime …