Watching Bill Moyers’  recent interview with Wendell Berry, it was hard not to tear up, because of the sheer beauty of this man, his poetry, his speaking, and his holding both grief and joy in equal measure and balance: It’s hard to think of any thing that’s precious that isn’t endangered. But maybe that’s an advantage. The …
Search results for: transition
Transition Wayland speaks at First Parish, Wayland, for Earth Day
Sunday April 29 was a big day for me! In the morning, I and my Transition Wayland colleagues Andrea Case and Wen Stephenson spoke before the First Parish congregation. First Parish, as my fellow speaker Wen Stephenson said, is like the nerve center of Wayland. I call it home because I have been going to …
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Medicine Making in Transition
While participating in the Training for Transition I came to a profound realization. One of the most powerful exercises in Transition is the positive visioning. People sit in two circles, one inside the other, facing each other so everyone is paired up. The people on the outside are the elders of the future, who have …
Some Thoughts on Organizing a Transition Training
The Wayland Training for Transition is over! I admit I had underestimated the amount of work that goes into organizing it – and commensurately, the relief and gratitude one feels when it all ends well. If you’re ever tempted to try it yourself and you’re like me (a total novice at this kind of thing), …
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Transition Wayland: We’re a Go!
I can’t believe I finally found a moment to sit down and write about this. What a whirlwind it has been, and still is. As you all know, I decided in November of last year that I would try to get Transition going in my hometown. Usually a Transition Initiative starts with a group of …
Imagining the Other – Reflections in Transition
A week or so after my “I need to do something!” moment I stumbled across Wendell Berry’s essay “American Imagination and the Civil Way”. It pretty much answered my question, “But What?” The answer was Transition, of course, or more generally speaking, going out there and talking to people. This one’s philosophical. I hope you …
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Why Transition: Taking the Pressure Off
A friend came by today to pick up straw bales for his garden (I also gave him the quince atchar he supplied the quinces for, and my infamous apple peel jelly). He asked me why I am trying Transition again. I couldn’t quite answer clearly. I’m not clear in my head about the many causes …
Transition, Redux
I wrote some time ago about needing to do something beyond my own backyard. It didn’t take long before I figured out what that should be. Transition! (Almost exactly a year ago I attended Transition training in Boston. You can read about it here and here.) Taking advantage of a rare intrepid, or should I …
Permaculture – Transition
I’m reading Edible Forest Gardens (EFG) again, alongside Holmgrens’ Permaculture. I’m underlining and taking notes in the books and making summaries on a quadrille pad. I’m on volume 2 of EFG, which is the most practical volume of the two, and I foresee a lot of drawing up of plans as I come across passages …
Transition: Becoming Indigenous to a Place
During the Transition Training we watched a lot of images and videos of Transition Initiatives, and at first I watched them with mixed feelings of joy and anxiousness. My heart sank because I inevitably thought: “I can’t make that happen.” That sinking feeling stems from the fact that, though I arrived here over 11 years …
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